Three decades of success has made AAA Construction School, Inc. the leader in contractor license exam preparation and construction bookstores. We can help you make your construction license dreams come true. Our proven methods ensure fast success in obtaining your construction license! AAA Construction School, Inc. has helped thousands pass construction licensing exams.
AAA Construction School, Inc. has construction exam preparation classes to make sure you get your Florida Contractors license on the first try. Our construction bookstore has all the construction books and study material at excellent prices. AAA Construction School's Bookstore carries all current construction books necessary for passing the Florida State exams. Don't let the term “Open Book" fool you into thinking the Florida State construction exams are easy. You will need all approved construction books and you will need to be thoroughly familiar with each one. We offer construction exam study materials including audio CD's, DVD's, practice workbooks and computer based testing software.
Call our construction bookstore, get construction license information you need to map your road to success. Take your construction tradesmen talent and skill to a higher level. Become a licensed success in the construction industry. AAA Construction School coupled with our construction bookstore paves the path to success in passing the construction license exams for State contractors.
AAA Construction School's construction bookstore continues to save contractors money. You need to be next!

Rob Irion is the owner of AAA Construction School, Inc.
Rob started helping people pass Florida contractor exams in the late 70's. You will often find him standing at the front teaching. His considerable construction experience in the field coupled with years of learning with students enables him to either answer or be able to find the answer to nearly any question related to passing any construction exam. Rob prepares contractors for Business and Finance, General/Builder/ Residential, Roofing, Plumbing, Air Conditioning, Pool, Underground Utility, Solar, Glass/Glazing, Marine and Mechanical exams.
Here are a few of his current active licenses:
Florida Certified General Contractor
Florida Certified Roofing Contractor
Florida Certified Air Conditioning Contractor
Florida Certified Mold Remediator
Florida Certified Mold Assessor
Florida Certified Home Inspector
Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) Outreach Trainer
EPA certified Lead Renovator
EPA certified Lead Supervisor
EPA certified Lead Inspector
Department of Business and Professional Regulation Provider
Have a question? Call him at 904-722-9994 He will help you pass!
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